So if you read here often, you've noticed I haven't been posting alot recently... well that's due to the overwhelming nature of school, work, and marriage. Needless to say, none of these things can be laid aside. So, I ask you to bear with me and give me time to get some good things put together.
Well, for now, I will just put some prayer requests down. Laura and I are going through the process to be able to adopt from the state, pray that we are guided to make good decisions in this process. I am preparing to enter seminary next summer, and I'm a little shaky and scared about it. Pray for peace and strength in this. And the last big one is to do with finances. We have trimmed out expenses to a third of what they were 2 years ago, but just as we feel that we are getting ahead we get hit again. Laura's 4-runner may be down for the count. We are going to have to replace it, and I really do not want to finance another car... Pray that God will give provision for this.
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Thanks for coming by my personal soapbox. This is a bit of an experiment in personal growth, so I welcome all the comments you can throw at me, but keep in mind, this is a family friendly blog and I'd like to keep it that way. Let me know what you think of my writing and if you have anything to add, I welcome it. So sit back and enjoy my musings, or share some of your own to mine. Enjoy the atmosphere... and if you hear the sound of gears grinding, don't worry, I'm just out working in the shop!
Just who is this guy?

- Paul
- Whoa, I didn't know his box existed! I could say a million things here, or you can read my first 2 posts to get a good idea of who I am and what I'm about.
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A friend of mine recently has officially adopted though the State of Massachusetts. I thought perhaps her story would be inspiring.
ReplyDelete"It started 2 1/2 years ago. I had told myself that if I hit 30 and hadn't found my other half yet, than I would adopt by myself as a single. The day before my 30th b-day I started the parenting class you have to take. Over the next 6 months I took the class, completed the very in depth home study, & did paperwork with the social workers, and got approved to adopt. I spent a little over a year anxiously waiting and wondering when I would be matched up with a child. I spent a lot of time watching An Adoption Story on TLC, lol. Last August, I got a call from the social workers on a Monday asking if I would be interested in a 6 week old baby girl. Of course I said YES! and I met with them on Tuesday so they could tell me all the info they had on her. I got to meet Abby herself on Wednesday at her temporary foster home (It was SO hard to leave her after that first meeting!), and took her home that rainy Friday, Aug. 29, 2009!! What a crazy, yet wonderful week that was! During the last year I was considered her foster parent. MA law says a child has to live with you 6 months before you can legally adopt them. So after the 6 month period the social workers started all the paperwork with the courts and she became legally & forever mine on Tuesday, July 20th,2010, a few days after her 1st birthday :-) I adopted Abby through Ma department of children & families. Each state, agency, case is different (most usually take a little longer) but my experience has truly been wonderful. I already can't wait to start the process again in a few years so Abby can have a sibling. I wish anyone else looking to adopt the best. The journey can be long, but there is nothing in the world like it. I feel blessed & thankful every day to have my sweet Abby."