21 September 2010

Day 1 Complete, Day 2 coming fast!

So I did the first day of Insanity: Dig Deeper and Fit Test. I felt like I was going to fall out. There were points when Shawn T was yelling to push it harder and I couldn't even get off my hands and knees. My results are better than i thought they would be, but I'm going to have to push harder and dig deeper today. one thing has changed for me though. I feel able. Yesterday I was worried I would not be able to finish the test, but today, I know I can do this. I feel more alive and more awake. I feel my muscles ready to go again. No pain. That is the biggest thing for me. I don't feel pain today. How can that be? Shawn drove me to muscle failure on the push-up jacks and the plank obliques, but I'm not in pain today. I'm eating better (though I'm not eating quite right yet) and I got great sleep last night (even with the dog waking me up for water and to go out!)

I am convinced that each day is going to be better. I'm going to push further and dig deeper. I will reach targets that I never reached in the Army and then go farther.

One interesting thing is that the last day is actually going to be postponed 1 day. I will be competing in the Warrior Dash here in Austin on November 20th. I'm going to put the fit test off until Monday (or maybe Sunday) while I compete in this run. I feel like this program is going to make me able to push myself through the 3.2 miles and 11 obstacles in 35 minutes or less, 10 minutes faster than I had originally set me goal.

In all things, I give God the glory. It is because of him that I am doing this and because of him that I can compete. Thank's to God that I have the strength and I ask him for the perseverance to push further, faster, and harder than I ever have before.

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