21 February 2011

An amazing ride!

Whoa! It's been more than 2 months since I blogged last, and I've been amazed by God's grace in this time. Many of you know, Laura and I made the leap to move back to Dallas and persue further education toward ministry. I have been called to men's ministry and she is feeling a stronger call to writing and women's ministry. To understand this a bit better, let me tell you about what has happenned since I wrote last.

Laura and I moved from Austin the first week of January. Now, that in itself isn't amazing, but the circumstances are. We had made the decision to move back in July or August, and started job hunting. As the time drew nearer, neither of us had found anything. I thought I would be working part time at a coffee shop or something similar. Continuing toward finishing my Bachelors online, I assumed this would be my primary occupation. When we arrived in Dallas, I began applying to mundane jobs, just to get a paycheck, and we moved into my parents house. I had a assignment in one of my classes to interview a foreign born Christian leader. I contact Dallas Theological Seminary to see if I could interview Dr. Ramesh Richard. He was unavailable when I needed to talk to him, but they set me up for a meeting the next week. I couldn't use him for my assignment, but I still wanted to talk to him as his sermon on the Ministry Problematic had been so influential to me (I had listened to it on DTS's podcast). I met with him and asked him questions about what brought him to America and Christianity. It was a great conversation. What surprised me is that he asked me for my resume.

Arriving home a few hours later, I pulled up my resume, checked it over and updated it, and sent it off to him. I had only once used my ministry resume before with no results, so I really didn't hope for much. The next week, David, his ministry's operation manager, contacted me wanting an interview.The next 2 weeks was a practice in patience. I met with David and interviewed for a position at RREACH as the assistant to the president (Dr. Richard). David had some difficulty reaching my references, as it was the middle of Dallas' Snowpocalypse '11. We finally had all the contacts made and David offerred me a position, not the original one I interviewed for. The plan was for me to become the online evangelical counselor and help out a little with all of the ministries in the office.

I've been in this job a week now and I'm blown away.

God works in amazing ways. We are going to look at a house tonight and I am looking to trade in my little Celica to get a truck. We pray God will continue to provide wisdom, discernment, and grace in our walk with him.

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