16 May 2010

Great weekend with the Glahns!

Laura and I made a trip this weekend to Dallas. We visited Dallas Theological Seminary. I got a tour and spent some time talking to admissions. I think I'll be going Interdisciplinary Studies with Cross-Cultural and Pastoral Ministries. I really am having a hard time not just dropping everything and moving this Summer so I can be there in the fall... we'll just have to follow God's lead though.

Since feeling this call, I have been working hard to finish my Bachelors so I can move on to a ThM. I'm now feeling like there are things lining up to put us in Dallas sooner than I thought. I guess this is just a call for prayers.

We also had an amazing weekend with Sandi and Gary Glahn. Late night discussing life, the universe and everything else. I can't wait till our next time!


  1. Will be praying for you.
    I could have saved you some time in your discussions as well. The answer to life, the universe, and everything, is 42.

    Like the new look to the blog

  2. Well by life, the universe, and everything else, I really meant predestination, the trinity, and all kinds of other interesting topics.
